My fortran code snippets
ELNS - @EverLookNeverSee
All files are compiled and tested with gfortran v5.5.0 compiler.
Table of contents:
- Numerical Methods Exercises: [go to the directory]
- Exercise_01 - Current in an AC circuit - [description, source]
- Exercise_02 - Earth pressure on a retaining structure - [description, source]
- Exercise_03 - Displacement and velocity of the piston - [description, source]
- Exercise_04 - The allowable stress for column of slenderness ratio - [description, source]
- Exercise_05 - Solver for the quadratic equation with all complex quantities - [description, source]
- Exercise_06 - Series of n, n^2, n^3 and factorial of n - [description, source]
- Exercise_07 - Horner’s scheme of the polynomial - [description, source]
- Exercise_08_a - Cos(x) taylor series - [description, source]
- Exercise_08_b - e^x taylor series - [description, source]
- Exercise_08_c - Ln(x) taylor series - [description, source]
- Exercise_08_d - Arcsin(x) taylor series - [description, source]
- Exercise_09_a - Vector norm - [description, source]
- Exercise_09_b - Matrix norm - [description, source]
- Exercise_10 - Elements of the series that are divisible by integer 3 - [description, source]
- Exercise_11 - Sort prime numbers between 1 and 1000 - [description, source]
- Exercise_12 - Smoothing of the data - [description, source]
- Exercise_13 - Correlation coefficient - [description, source]
- Exercise_14 - Cardano’s solution of the cubic equation - [description, source]
- Exercise_15 - Continued fraction - [description, source]
- Exercise_16 - Computing tan(x) using Lambert’s formula - [description, source]
- Other: [go to the directory]
- Memory requirements - [source]
- Mile to kilometer - [source]
- Escape velocity from earth - [source]
- Seconds to hour,minute,second - [source]
- Even or odd number - [source]
- Maximum and minimum - [source]
- Roots of quadratic equation - [source]
- Marks to grades - [source]
- Factorial of N - [source]
- Number cube - [source]
- Add up even numbers - [source]
- GCD between two numbers - [source]
- Trapezoidal integration - [source]
- Simpson integral - [source]
- Factorial of n(function) - [source]
- Character reverse - [source]
- Factorial of n using recursion - [source]
- Constants module - [source]
- library module - [source]
- Quadratic equation solver(with complex roots) - [source]
- Largest and smallest elements in the sequence - [source]
- Ascending arrangement of sequenc - [[source]e(/src/other/aas.f90)]
- Matrix Product of A and B - [source]
- Slope of the chod - [source
- Mean and standard deviation of the sequence - [source]
- Testing OpenMP Library - [source]
- Quick sort algorithm - [source]
- Generic procedures - [module source, test file]
- Estimating PI value using Monte Carlo algorithm - [source]
- Selected_int_kind - [source]
Work in progress